Sunday, June 8, 2014

weekend love.


Friday morning tradition: Hy Vee breakfast!

Lunch with my dear Kerri at the Quarry -- one more time before her BABY GIRL was born :)

 BLT.  I never order these but it sounded good.  And oh heavens it WAS.  I recommend it.

This little prince slept all the way through lunch.


Jude's first hotel stay in Mankato -- he LOVED it!

Hanging with Auntie Kelly at the cabin!

Lefty's puppy whiskers are tickly, guys!

Jude had a HUGE surprise spit up episode on me.  I smelled disgusting.  I thought a napkin might cover it up.  It didn't.


Tom and his boy wearing matching outfits for worship leading at Trinity -- so good to be back up there after our two month break!

Catchin' ZZZZZs

Wearing the boy out for a walk.

The weekend was great.  I feel like summer has officially arrived -- and I think I'm out of the newborn phase of  "I'm walking around in a sleepy cloud...Will my body ever feel normal again?...I need a shower but baby is hair has been in a ponytail for WEEKS..." (etc, etc, etc.)  Tom has two more days of work and then he will be HOME with us!  I can't wait!

This week I am looking forward to meeting up with my beloved staff at Harding Elementary to celebrate the end of the school year.  More grad assignments are due for my two classes, so that will occupy the time during the lil man's afternoon naps.  I also need to go to the hospital for a follow-up lab for my gestational diabetes -- hopefully it will be the LAST step of that journey -- and I am hoping to go visit Kerri and her new little girl! 


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