And a happy one it is. Or was. Loni and Shelby came over last night to help me out with the very first VV experience.
Their baby boys are Jude's BFFs, so naturally they had to come too. Everett (nearly 4 months) and Easton (3 months) came to play while the mamas had some fun tasting three white varieties.
Here are the boys--The Three Amigos! And of course I forgot to get a picture of us three girls...
Here were our selections for the evening:
Relax Pinot Grigio, Cupcake Moscato d'Asti, New Age white.
with some fruit, bread and cheese.
We poured the Asti first.
Just a few sips for this nursing mama!
It was VERY sweet. Almost too sweet. It was fizzy, so that helped take the edge off, but it was still sweet enough to make our teeth hurt a little bit. On to the next...
Relax Pinot Grigio!
We noticed right away that it tasted BITTER! How sad! Pinot Grigio is my favorite white variety. We kept sipping anyway and tried some fruit and cheese with it. It ended up tasting much better when we had gotten the sweetness from the Moscato off of our palates. It was very smooth with the Havarti cheese. I'll definitely try this one again and next time I won't be drinking Moscato right before.
Next, New Age.
This was outstanding!! It was a little tart but not at all dry, with a little fizz...not too sweet! I loved it. Loni said they serve it at the Quarry which I was thrilled over--I will definitely order it when we go there for dinner sometime! It tasted delicious with all the fruits and cheese. I don't think anything could have made it taste bad.
So in other news...before the girls came over for Vino Vednesday,
Little man was watching us eat supper and hanging out on the couch with the assistance of the boppy pillow. He was happy and smiling, then he got "The Look" (see the post entitled Backseat Blowout for more on "The Look"). I knew he'd done his business after a few seconds, but didn't think much of it since it had only been 3 days since his last -- as opposed to 6 days like the last big episode.
After I was done eating, I picked him up and noticed it was outside the diaper. And on the boppy. And on the COUCH, gross...and on his blanket. I ran with him to his nursery and lo and behold, it got on ME. Oh so disgusting!
I looked at the clock and saw that I had roughly 10 minutes to get him, the couch, and myself clean before the girls and babies arrived. Crap. (no pun intended)
I had baby-doo all over my shorts so I took them off. I got Jude changed and cleaned up and over to his Daddy. Then it was time to deal with the couch.
Rubber gloves, a sturdy sponge, and a spray bottle with my favorite miracle cleaning solution -- Shaklee Basic H:
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Basic H. This stuff is miraculous. It's super-concentrated, all natural, fragrance free cleaning solution. A few drops (yes, drops!) of this stuff into a 16 oz. spray bottle of water equals the best cleaner I've ever used, and it cleans EVERYTHING! Windows, bathrooms, kitchens, wood floors, carpets, blood/grass/wine stains, and now microfiber couches!
More on Shaklee in another post.
So I sprayed the couch down and scrubbed like mad. Keep in mind that I was pants-less at the time...and wearing rubber gloves...and scrubbing the cushions...
and of course after I was done, I noticed the blinds on our big living room windows were WIDE OPEN.
So much for my classy little wine party. And modesty.
The mess came right out of the couch (I'm telling you, that Basic H...I have no words) and I threw on some sweatpants and welcomed my friends into my house.
Motherhood is so glamorous.
It is a huge blessing to have so many friends in the exact same boat as me right now. We get each other. Everything that has happened to me, has happened to them. Thank you God for good friends and sweet babies!
Next week I want to sip on REDS. I love, love love red wine. Any takers??
Love, Betsy
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