Iowa is a great state to live in for a lot of reasons. The changing of seasons is one of my favorites. We get to experience four of them, each of them beautiful...yes, even winter. :)
I'm 33 years old, and it never fails: SPRING amazes me! Every year. I think that is why Easter is my favorite holiday. Yesterday was a beautiful Easter day.
Throughout the day yesterday, I was reminded of my son's birth last year. He was born during holy week (Thursday, April 17th, 2014). It was the day before Easter when we brought him home. It was an incredible feeling of "newness." Yes, I was completely and utterly overwhelmed, but I also felt new. New baby, new life, new outlook, new priorities, new awareness. Outside the house, I saw new leaves, new grass, new baby ducks. The world sparkled! Everything was overtaken by this "newness."
Jude Thomas, 24 hours old.
Yesterday I was walking into church with my guitar for the Easter service and breathed deeply. NEW, fresh, spring was heaven! Finally, finally, I feel like winter is behind us and we can embrace the new.
Here are some snapshots from our Easter weekend...
On Thursday, we stopped at our neighbors' house during our walk so Jude could meet his little friend Jonathan. These two were so cute together! I cannot get enough of their pudgy baby legs. And their giggles. So sweet!
That evening, I worked on a new design for my chalkboard in the entry way:
I'd like to thank Pinterest for the design. None of that is a result of my own creativity. :)
On Friday, I was blessed to spend the day with two of my wonderful music teacher colleagues for some professional development. We took a lunch break at one of my favorite Mason City restaurants, The Hungry Mind. Herbal tea instead of was slightly chilly outside!
And the famous club sandwich, which was as big as my head.
We made a quick stop at Hallmark to pick up a card for a colleague who has been out on medical leave, and I got to see this former student of mine working there! I'm so proud of him...he is planning to go to college to play his saxophone and be a music teacher!
And then this happened:
I'm going to call this a Mason City Classic. Seriously...this town keeps me on my toes. I'd say this was odd, but...for MC, it's not. :)
I went over to the church to practice an Easter song with my friend Molly. Trinity church is beautiful. I love to take pictures of the sanctuary when it's quiet and empty.
Jude received an Easter basket from his wonderful daycare provider! :)
It was one of those "perfect" Saturdays. I had a relaxing morning with a friend at Cabin Coffee, Jude ate quinoa for lunch (LOVED it) and Tom got to go golfing at the Country Club. I was a little jealous even though I'm the World's Most Terrible Golfer.
Easter Sunday: HE IS RISEN!
When we were setting up for our offering song...
I told Tom that Jude was laying down his addiction, his burden, his the foot of the cross. LOL. Actually, he just dropped his binky.
After church, Jude had his Easter lunch...or should I say, wore it? This boy loves sweet potatoes and squash. He loves it all over his FACE! I need a power washer for this kid.
Naptime = mimosa time for mommy and daddy...
And dinner, which I sadly didn't take pictures of... pork loin, cheesy potatoes, kale salad, and rolls. Just for the two of us. It was lovely and delicious.
Later on, Jude destroyed the magazine basket while we watched the Cubs season opener!
He has slept THROUGH THE NIGHT the past two nights! HALLELUJAH!!! Quick, find some wood for me to knock on. It's been great and I hope it continues forever. The past 6 months have been up-and-down, a roller coaster of sleep patterns. Mama needs sleep. Mama also needs the bags under her eyes to go away.
Have a wonderful week, everyone!
Love, Betsy
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