Wednesday, September 3, 2014

My 33rd September


August was gone in a blink.  There was so much going on, so many NEW things happening all at once...and now it's all over and a new month can begin.  One of my favorite times of the year -- the start of glorious fall.  

I am amazed over and over again as seasons change.  We are lucky to live in a part of the world with four distinct seasons.  I feel like I am always ready to say goodbye to whichever is the current season, when the new one comes along.  I LOVE summer...but cooler days,  football, pumpkin spice everything, and cute sweaters and boots are always welcomed when September rolls around.

September happens to be my birthday month.  This year, I will be 29...hmm, let's see...for the fifth time.

33.  That doesn't seem right.

Anyway.  Life around here has basically been CRAZY.  We've been unpacking and getting settled, which has been a combination of fun, emotional, difficult, hectic, stressful, and amazing.  The new house is great.  A couple days ago I was reveling in all the space we have in our master bedroom!  We never, EVER had that much extra space in our other house.  I felt like doing a dance.

Thankfully we've had some fun this month, too.

Snapshots only, for this mama is TIRED.

My niece is taking dance.  She is in the middle.  My heart swells.

Betty and the Gents played at Mason City Brewing last weekend. 

It was so much fun.

Cheers to the souncheck!

I felt so honored to play for the crowd that showed up.  There were so many people there who mean so much to Tom, Marty, Brett and me.  We loved it.  We can't wait for our next round of gigs in October!  Until then, the folks in our neighborhood can probably hear us practicing...the sound leaks out of our house just a little too well!

I am exhausted, so I'm going to leave you with this:

Love, Betsy

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