Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Vino Vednesday: Freixenet Brut

Happy Wednesday, everyone!

I am a little late on this since it's Thursday already, but today we are raising a glass with: 

Freixenet Brut!

Tonight we went over to our friends' house to share a toast and celebrate the addition of direct flights to Chicago through Mason City's airport.  Our good friend Brett had a huge part in bringing this to MC and it's going to provide a lot of opportunity, convenience, and FUN to people in this area!

Before we went over to Brett and Hollie's, I went downstairs to the wine fridge--without turning the lights on--and blindly grabbed a bottle from the top row where I like to keep the sparkling bottles.  I pulled out a Moscato d'Asti.  Uh no thanks.  I'm still brushing my teeth after the last time I drank it.  This brut was the next one to come out.

 We poured and clinked glasses...

and decided it was good!  

Congrats Brett on your hard work, and cheers Mason City--to more chances to travel and opportunities to be cultured!  We hope the people take full advantage.  We are planning on getting to Chicago as soon as the little man can handle a flight!  Or, as soon as Mommy can handle a night away from him...this could be a while.

Okay, so honestly none of us were really paying attention to the wine.  

Not when we were surrounded by cutie-pies!
Hollie and Brett have two of the most beautiful little girls.

I am obsessed with them.

And who can forget baby Jude...
Hanging with Auntie Hollie!

From what I remember, the wine was very sparkly (good) and very dry (ehhhh...)  

I love sparkling wine but I have yet to find a *perfect* one.  If any of you have found the perfect one, let me know.  I am picky, I guess.  Asti was way too sweet, this was too dry...maybe something right in the middle?  We talked tonight about using a SodaStream to make our own variety.  Tom and I have one but haven't used it yet.  (That's what happens when your house is for sale, staged and de-cluttered.)


Our Wednesday was a good one.  This morning we went to St. Ansgar so my Tom could have some golf lessons with our local pro and good family friend, Mr. Tom Townsend.  Mr. Townsend was my high school art teacher and I have such huge respect for him.

I wish I had a picture to put here, but I didn't go with the hubs to golf lessons, because I was at...

my parents' house.

Oh, what bliss.

I love love love going home.

My mom and I made this happen today.

Yes, that's right.  You see a fire in a fireplace.  And it's not a gas fireplace or one of those weird fake ones that are really just electric lights behind a screen.

You see, my mom and I were freezing.  And you have to admit, it was a pretty cold morning here in north Iowa.  I was sitting with my sleepy little boy...

and even as we were all bundled up in blankets, I was still COLD!  What in the world?!  This is July!  Mom was feeling it too, as she was pulling sweatshirts out of a closet.  She said, "Should we light a fire?" and of course I couldn't turn it down.  My parents' living room is so cozy with a fire and it reminds me of childhood.  So yes, on the second day of July, we had a fire.  And it was delightful.

So then this happened.


My parents are avid bird-watchers and they have a bunch of bird feeders hanging out in their tree right outside the back screen door.  It's so cool.  At any given time when the weather is decent, you can see a bunch of gold finches and hummingbirds hovering around the feeders.  Usually you have to search for them, and with these feeders they just show up!

Along with these beautiful birds, you'll also see squirrels.  And my dad has no tolerance for squirrels.  Just look at him.  Isn't he intimidating?

He grabbed his gun and said, "Watch this, I'm gonna get that squirrel."

He took that gun, went to the screen door, and aimed toward the tree.  I braced myself for a BANG!!!

Then I heard a little...."pop."

LOL...that pillar of strength, that strong and protective beast of a father is holding none other than the Red Ryder BB gun from when he was a kid!  Yes!!!  "With a compass in the stock and a thing that tells time"--Straight from A Christmas Story!  Aren't you tempted to tell Dad that he might shoot his eye out?

I made him pose for that picture, btw.  And I made him be all serious and stoic with his BB gun.  I just had to.

He shot at the squirrel several times and got it to scurry off.  I don't think BBs can kill squirrels, in case any of you are squirrel lovers.  It just startled and scared the poor little furball away from the bird feeders.

Next time, another bottle of something fun with friends, and if you're lucky, more adventures with the Red Ryder BB gun!  :)

Love, Betsy

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